
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Prompt 15

 I think the best ways to market the library's fiction collection would be to use any and all resources available, both internally and externally.  Internally, the library would utilize displays, bookmarks, flyers, endcaps, book discussions and librarian suggestions.  Externally, the library could reach the public by advertising through local town planner notices and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

I would use book displays, bookmarks, and book discussions to market my future library's fiction.  Book displays are a great way to choose titles that would be of interest to library users.  Book displays should be themed and the books should be carefully chosen for the attractiveness of the cover, the quality of the book, and the consideration for the potential of the appeal factor towards the reader.  Colorful and bold displays are eye-catching and draw the reader's attention to the possibility of a newly discovered author.  This is a great way for readers to find the right book without sorting through hundreds of books on the shelves. 

Bookmarks are another great tool to have available for readers.  Bookmarks could include read alike authors, genre specific themes, subjects and more.  Bookmarks are a wonderful guide for readers to search for books by different authors that they might not have heard of before.  Bookmarks provide an assortment of options that readers could then browse in the stacks to see if the unknown author might be a good fit.  Sometimes library staff have a momentary lapse when approached by patrons searching for a new title and bookmarks are a great way to refresh the memory and begin a conversation.

Book discussion allow readers to socially interact for the purpose of reading.  Discussions allow readers to become directly involved in reading by expressing opinions and viewpoints on characters, plots, and underlying themes with like minded people.  Through book discussions, other authors, titles, and genres could be discovered and shared.


  1. Bookmarks are a great idea. I have noticed that everyone from children to adults love to get a new interesting bookmark. It could be a good idea to keep them near the check out station so that patrons can grab them and stick them in their books as they are putting them away.

  2. Hello Cynthia! Your point about displays being colorful and books being chosen that have visual appeal are valid. I like you idea of using bookmarks to market fiction, but especially read-a-likes that the reader may not have heard about. I know a few patrons who have read every book by an author and occasionally run out of things to read. This tactic would be good for helping them branch out and find another favorite author.

  3. Great prompt response with innovative and easy to implement ideas. Full points!

  4. We use bookmarks all the items at the library to promote programs and materials! They're such a nifty tool - more durable than a flyer and has a practical use!
